% Main Procedures for Efficiency.m % Written by Wonho Song % Updated Oct 2005 % Updated May 2014 % Updated Sep 2015 % E-mail: whsong@cau.ac.kr, whsong73@hotmail.com function []=estm(y,x,n,g_para,pss_para,zp,kss_para,bie_para,EST,AVE); [nt,p]=size(x); t=nt/n; trunc1 = g_para(1); trunc2 = g_para(2); tmtr = g_para(3); out_fig = g_para(4:7); out_tab = g_para(8:10); firmeff = g_para(11); NB = pss_para(1); gr_pss = pss_para(2:4); pss_out = pss_para(5); p1 = pss_para(6); LI = kss_para(1); LS = kss_para(2); gr_kss = kss_para(3:5); bie_dist = bie_para(1); tt=(1:t)'; tm=kron(ones(n,1),tt); % linear time trend if tmtr==1; x_tr=[tm x]; p1=p1+1; [nt,p]=size(x_tr); else; x_tr=x; end; if p1>=p; disp(' ') disp('p1 must be less than the number of variables p.') disp(' ') return; end; if sum(EST)==0; disp(' ') disp('No estimator is chosen. Please select at least one estimator.') disp(' ') return; end; if trunc1>0&trunc1<1/n; disp(' ') disp('trunc1 is too small. Please choose larger value. ') disp(' ') return; end; if trunc2>0&trunc2<1/n; disp(' ') disp('trunc2 is too small. Please choose larger value. ') disp(' ') return; end; disp(' ') disp('Please be patient!') disp('It may take long time to compute estimates if the data size is large.') disp(' ') %************************************************************ % Finding bandwidth for PSS estimators using bootstrap * %************************************************************ [s1,s2w,s2g,s3]=bootpss(y,x_tr,n,NB,gr_pss,pss_out,p1,EST); Label=[]; Label1=[]; Label2=[]; COEF=[]; SE=[]; EFFECTS=[]; EFFICIENCY=[]; AVGEFF=[]; metacurve=[]; allcurves=[]; lgd=[]; lgdtv=[]; R2all=[]; INDEFF=[]; BIC=[]; AIC=[]; disp(' ') disp('Computing... ') disp(' ') %************************************************ % TRADITIONAL PANEL DATA ESTIMATION * %************************************************ if EST(1)==1; Label=[Label ' FIX ' ]; Label1=[Label1 ' FIX ' ]; Label2=[Label2 ' FIX ' ]; [b_with,se_with,sigf,ef,FIX,EFIX,R2w]=panelf(y,x_tr,n); %%%%%%%%%%% SCORE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% res = y-x_tr*b_with; aic_with = log((nt-1)/nt*var(res))+1+2*(p+1)/nt; bic_with = log((nt-1)/nt*var(res))+1+(p+1)*log(nt)/nt; AIC = [AIC aic_with]; BIC = [BIC bic_with]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INDEFF=[INDEFF FIX]; if trunc1>0; [temp2,J]=sort(EFIX); mmm=J(ceil([1:trunc1*n n-trunc1*n+1:n])); EFIX(mmm)=[]; [n2,temp]=size(EFIX); else; n2=n; end; FIX=kron(FIX,ones(t,1)); EFIX=kron(EFIX,ones(t,1)); COEF=[COEF b_with]; SE=[SE se_with]; if trunc1==0&trunc2==0; EFFECTS=[EFFECTS FIX]; EFFICIENCY=[EFFICIENCY EFIX]; end; AVGEFF=[AVGEFF mean(EFIX)]; VFIX=reshape(EFIX,t,n2); VFIX2=mean(VFIX')'; if firmeff==1; save VFIX; end; R2all=[R2all R2w]; allcurves=[allcurves VFIX2]; lgd=[lgd; 'FIX ']; disp('FIX done') elseif EST(1)==2; Label=[Label ' FIX ' ' RND ']; Label1=[Label1 ' FIX ' ' RND ']; Label2=[Label2 ' FIX ' ' RND ']; [b_with,se_with,sigf,ef,b_gls,se_gls,sigr,er,hw,FIX,RND,EFIX,ERND,R2w,R2r]=panel(y,x_tr,n); %%%%%%%%%%% SCORE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% res = y-x_tr*b_with; aic_with = log((nt-1)/nt*var(res))+1+2*(p+1)/nt; bic_with = log((nt-1)/nt*var(res))+1+(p+1)*log(nt)/nt; res = y-x_tr*b_gls; aic_gls = log((nt-1)/nt*var(res))+1+2*(p+1)/nt; bic_gls = log((nt-1)/nt*var(res))+1+(p+1)*log(nt)/nt; AIC = [AIC aic_with aic_gls]; BIC = [BIC bic_with bic_gls]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INDEFF=[INDEFF FIX RND]; if trunc1>0; [temp2,J]=sort(EFIX); mmm=J(ceil([1:trunc1*n n-trunc1*n+1:n])); EFIX(mmm)=[]; [nw2,temp]=size(EFIX); [temp2,J]=sort(ERND); mmm=J(ceil([1:trunc1*n n-trunc1*n+1:n])); ERND(mmm)=[]; [ng2,temp]=size(ERND); else; nw2=n; ng2=n; end; FIX=kron(FIX,ones(t,1)); RND=kron(RND,ones(t,1)); EFIX=kron(EFIX,ones(t,1)); ERND=kron(ERND,ones(t,1)); COEF=[COEF b_with b_gls]; SE=[SE se_with se_gls]; if trunc1==0&trunc2==0; EFFECTS=[EFFECTS FIX RND]; EFFICIENCY=[EFFICIENCY EFIX ERND]; end; AVGEFF=[AVGEFF mean(EFIX) mean(ERND)]; VFIX=reshape(EFIX,t,nw2); VFIX2=mean(VFIX')'; VRND=reshape(ERND,t,ng2); VRND2=mean(VRND')'; if firmeff==1; save VFIX; save VRND; end; R2all=[R2all R2w R2r]; allcurves=[allcurves VFIX2 VRND2]; lgd=[lgd; 'FIX ';'RND ']; disp('FIX and RND done') end; %************************************************ % Hausman-Taylor * %************************************************ if EST(2) ==1; Label=[Label ' HT ']; Label1=[Label1 ' HT ']; Label2=[Label2 ' HT ']; [b_ht,se_ht,HT,EHT,R2h]=ht(y,x_tr,p1,n); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SCORE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% res = y-x_tr*b_ht; aic_ht = log((nt-1)/nt*var(res))+1+2*(p+1)/nt; bic_ht = log((nt-1)/nt*var(res))+1+(p+1)*log(nt)/nt; AIC = [AIC aic_ht]; BIC = [BIC bic_ht]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INDEFF=[INDEFF HT]; if trunc1>0; [temp2,J]=sort(EHT); mmm=J(ceil([1:trunc1*n n-trunc1*n+1:n])); EHT(mmm)=[]; [n2,temp]=size(EHT); else; n2=n; end; HT=kron(HT,ones(t,1)); EHT=kron(EHT,ones(t,1)); COEF=[COEF b_ht]; SE=[SE se_ht]; if trunc1==0&trunc2==0; EFFECTS=[EFFECTS HT]; EFFICIENCY=[EFFICIENCY EHT]; end; AVGEFF=[AVGEFF mean(EHT)]; VHT=reshape(EHT,t,n2); VHT2=mean(VHT')'; if firmeff==1; save VHT; end; R2all=[R2all R2h]; allcurves=[allcurves VHT2]; lgd=[lgd; 'HT ']; disp('HT done') end; %************************************************ % PSS1 * %************************************************ if EST(3)==1; Label=[Label ' PSS1 ']; Label1=[Label1 ' PSS1 ']; Label2=[Label2 ' PSS1 ']; [b_pss1,se_pss1,PSS1,EPSS1,R2p1]=pss1(y,x_tr,p1,n,s1); %%%%%%%%%%%%% SCORE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% res = y-x_tr*b_pss1; aic_pss1 = log((nt-1)/nt*var(res))+1+2*(p+1)/nt; bic_pss1 = log((nt-1)/nt*var(res))+1+(p+1)*log(nt)/nt; AIC = [AIC aic_pss1]; BIC = [BIC bic_pss1]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INDEFF=[INDEFF PSS1]; if trunc1>0; [temp2,J]=sort(EPSS1); mmm=J(ceil([1:trunc1*n n-trunc1*n+1:n])); EPSS1(mmm)=[]; [n2,temp]=size(EPSS1); else; n2=n; end; PSS1=kron(PSS1,ones(t,1)); EPSS1=kron(EPSS1,ones(t,1)); COEF=[COEF b_pss1]; SE=[SE se_pss1]; if trunc1==0&trunc2==0; EFFECTS=[EFFECTS PSS1]; EFFICIENCY=[EFFICIENCY EPSS1]; end; AVGEFF=[AVGEFF mean(EPSS1)]; VPSS1=reshape(EPSS1,t,n2); VPSS12=mean(VPSS1')'; if firmeff==1; save VPSS1; end; R2all=[R2all R2p1]; allcurves=[allcurves VPSS12]; lgd=[lgd; 'PSS1 ']; disp('PSS1 done') end; %************************************************ % PSS2 * %************************************************ if EST(4)==1; Label=[Label ' PSS2W ' ' PSS2G ']; Label1=[Label1 ' PSS2W ' ' PSS2G ']; Label2=[Label2 ' PSS2W ' ' PSS2G ']; [b_pss2w,se_pss2w,temp1,temp2,PSS2W,temp4,EPSS2W,temp5,R2p2w,temp6]=pss2(y,x_tr,n,s2w); [temp3,temp,b_pss2g,se_pss2g,temp4,PSS2G,temp5,EPSS2G,temp6,R2p2g]=pss2(y,x_tr,n,s2g); %%%%%%%%%%% SCORE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% res = y-x_tr*b_pss2w; aic_pss2w = log((nt-1)/nt*var(res))+1+2*(p+1)/nt; bic_pss2w = log((nt-1)/nt*var(res))+1+(p+1)*log(nt)/nt; res = y-x_tr*b_pss2g; aic_pss2g = log((nt-1)/nt*var(res))+1+2*(p+1)/nt; bic_pss2g = log((nt-1)/nt*var(res))+1+(p+1)*log(nt)/nt; AIC = [AIC aic_pss2w bic_pss2g]; BIC = [BIC bic_pss2w bic_pss2g]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INDEFF=[INDEFF PSS2W PSS2G]; if trunc1>0; [temp2,J]=sort(EPSS2W); mmm=J(ceil([1:trunc1*n n-trunc1*n+1:n])); EPSS2W(mmm)=[]; [nw2,temp]=size(EPSS2W); [temp2,J]=sort(EPSS2G); mmm=J(ceil([1:trunc1*n n-trunc1*n+1:n])); EPSS2G(mmm)=[]; [ng2,temp]=size(EPSS2G); else; nw2=n; ng2=n; end; PSS2W=kron(PSS2W,ones(t,1)); EPSS2W=kron(EPSS2W,ones(t,1)); PSS2G=kron(PSS2G,ones(t,1)); EPSS2G=kron(EPSS2G,ones(t,1)); COEF=[COEF b_pss2w b_pss2g]; SE=[SE se_pss2w se_pss2g]; if trunc1==0&trunc2==0; EFFECTS=[EFFECTS PSS2W PSS2G]; EFFICIENCY=[EFFICIENCY EPSS2W EPSS2G]; end; AVGEFF=[AVGEFF mean(EPSS2W) mean(EPSS2G)]; VPSS2W=reshape(EPSS2W,t,nw2); VPSS2W2=mean(VPSS2W')'; VPSS2G=reshape(EPSS2G,t,ng2); VPSS2G2=mean(VPSS2G')'; if firmeff==1; save VPSS2W; save VPSS2G; end; R2all=[R2all R2p2w R2p2g]; allcurves=[allcurves VPSS2W2 VPSS2G2]; lgd=[lgd; 'PSS2W';'PSS2G']; disp('PSS2 done') end; %************************************************ % PSS3 * %************************************************ if EST(5) ==1; Label=[Label ' PSS3 ']; Label1=[Label1 ' PSS3 ']; Label2=[Label2 ' PSS3 ']; [b_pss3,b_pss3l,se_pss3,se_pss3l,PSS3,EPSS3,betai,gammai,se_beta,se_gamma,R2p3]=pss3(y,x_tr,n,s3); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SCORE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ey=y-mean(y); res_sqsum = (1-R2p3(1))*(ey'*ey); aic_pss3 = log(res_sqsum/nt)+1+2*(p+1)/nt; bic_pss3 = log(res_sqsum/nt)+1+(p+1)*log(nt)/nt; AIC = [AIC aic_pss3]; BIC = [BIC bic_pss3]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INDEFF=[INDEFF PSS3]; if trunc1>0; [temp2,J]=sort(EPSS3); mmm=J(ceil([1:trunc1*n n-trunc1*n+1:n])); EPSS3(mmm)=[]; [n2,temp]=size(EPSS3); else; n2=n; end; PSS3=kron(PSS3,ones(t,1)); EPSS3=kron(EPSS3,ones(t,1)); COEF=[COEF b_pss3]; SE=[SE se_pss3]; if trunc1==0&trunc2==0; EFFECTS=[EFFECTS PSS3]; EFFICIENCY=[EFFICIENCY EPSS3]; end; AVGEFF=[AVGEFF mean(EPSS3)]; VPSS3=reshape(EPSS3,t,n2); VPSS32=mean(VPSS3')'; if firmeff==1; save VPSS3; end; R2all=[R2all R2p3]; allcurves=[allcurves VPSS32]; lgd=[lgd; 'PSS3 ']; disp('PSS3 done') end; %*********************************************** % CSS * %*********************************************** if EST(6) ==1; Label=[Label ' CSSW ']; Label1=[Label1 ' CSSW ']; Label2=[Label2 ' CSSW ']; [b_cssw,se_cssw,CSSW,R2cw]=cssw(y,x,n); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SCORE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% res = y-x*b_cssw; aic_cssw = log((nt-1)/nt*var(res))+1+2*(p+1)/nt; bic_cssw = log((nt-1)/nt*var(res))+1+(p+1)*log(nt)/nt; AIC = [AIC aic_cssw]; BIC = [BIC bic_cssw]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INDEFF=[INDEFF mean(CSSW)']; if trunc1>0; mmm=[]; for i=1:t [temp2,J]=sort(CSSW(i,:)); mmm=[mmm J(ceil([1:trunc1*n n-trunc1*n+1:n]))]; end; I=unique(mmm); CSSW(:,I)=[]; [t2,n2]=size(CSSW); nt2=t2*n2; else; nt2=nt; n2=n; end; ECSSW=[]; for i=1:t ECSSW=[ECSSW;exp(CSSW(i,:)-max(CSSW(i,:)))]; end; CSSW=reshape(CSSW,nt2,1); ECSSW=reshape(ECSSW,nt2,1); if tmtr==1; b_cssw=[0;b_cssw]; se_cssw=[0;se_cssw]; end; COEF=[COEF b_cssw ]; SE=[SE se_cssw ]; if trunc1==0&trunc2==0; EFFECTS=[EFFECTS CSSW]; EFFICIENCY=[EFFICIENCY ECSSW]; end; AVGEFF=[AVGEFF mean(ECSSW)]; VCSSW=reshape(ECSSW,t,n2); VCSSW2=mean(VCSSW')'; if firmeff==1; save VCSSW; end; R2all=[R2all R2cw]; metacurve=[metacurve VCSSW2]; allcurves=[allcurves VCSSW2]; lgd=[lgd; 'CSSW ']; lgdtv=[lgdtv; 'CSSW ']; disp('CSSW done') elseif EST(6)==2; Label=[Label ' CSSW ' ' CSSG ' ]; Label1=[Label1 ' CSSW ' ' CSSG ' ]; Label2=[Label2 ' CSSW ' ' CSSG ' ]; [b_cssw,se_cssw,b_cssg,gamma,se_cssg,CSSW,CSSG,R2cw,R2cg]=css(y,x,n,zp); % updated May 2014 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SCORE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% res = y-x*b_cssw; aic_cssw = log((nt-1)/nt*var(res))+1+2*(p+1)/nt; bic_cssw = log((nt-1)/nt*var(res))+1+(p+1)*log(nt)/nt; if zp>0; b_cssg=[b_cssg;gamma]; res=y-x*b_cssg; elseif zp==0; res=y-x*b_cssg; end; aic_cssg = log((nt-1)/nt*var(res))+1+2*(p+zp+1)/nt; bic_cssg = log((nt-1)/nt*var(res))+1+(p+zp+1)*log(nt)/nt; AIC = [AIC aic_cssw aic_cssg]; BIC = [BIC bic_cssw bic_cssg]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INDEFF=[INDEFF mean(CSSW)' mean(CSSG)']; if trunc1>0; mmm=[]; for i=1:t [temp2,J]=sort(CSSW(i,:)); mmm=[mmm J(ceil([1:trunc1*n n-trunc1*n+1:n]))]; end; I=unique(mmm); CSSW(:,I)=[]; [tw2,nw2]=size(CSSW); ntw2=tw2*nw2; mmm=[]; for i=1:t [temp2,J]=sort(CSSG(i,:)); mmm=[mmm J(ceil([1:trunc1*n n-trunc1*n+1:n]))]; end; I=unique(mmm); CSSG(:,I)=[]; [tg2,ng2]=size(CSSG); ntg2=tg2*ng2; else; ntw2=nt; ntg2=nt; nw2=n; ng2=n; end; ECSSW=[]; ECSSG=[]; for i=1:t ECSSW=[ECSSW;exp(CSSW(i,:)-max(CSSW(i,:)))]; ECSSG=[ECSSG;exp(CSSG(i,:)-max(CSSG(i,:)))]; end; CSSW=reshape(CSSW,ntw2,1); ECSSW=reshape(ECSSW,ntw2,1); CSSG=reshape(CSSG,ntg2,1); ECSSG=reshape(ECSSG,ntg2,1); if tmtr==1; b_cssw=[0;b_cssw]; b_cssg=[0;b_cssg]; se_cssw=[0;se_cssw]; se_cssg=[0;se_cssg]; end; COEF=[COEF b_cssw b_cssg]; SE=[SE se_cssw se_cssg]; if trunc1==0&trunc2==0; EFFECTS=[EFFECTS CSSW CSSG]; EFFICIENCY=[EFFICIENCY ECSSW ECSSG]; end; AVGEFF=[AVGEFF mean(ECSSW) mean(ECSSG)]; VCSSW=reshape(ECSSW,t,nw2); VCSSW2=mean(VCSSW')'; VCSSG=reshape(ECSSG,t,ng2); VCSSG2=mean(VCSSG')'; if firmeff==1; save VCSSW; save VCSSG; end; R2all=[R2all R2cw R2cg]; metacurve=[metacurve VCSSW2 VCSSG2]; allcurves=[allcurves VCSSW2 VCSSG2]; lgd=[lgd; 'CSSW ';'CSSG ']; lgdtv=[lgdtv; 'CSSW '; 'CSSG ']; disp('CSSW and CSSG done') end; %************************************************ % KSS * %************************************************ if EST(7)==1; Label=[Label ' KSS ']; Label1=[Label1 ' KSS ']; Label2=[Label2 ' KSS ']; [b_kss,se_kss,KSS,L,pp,R2k,zz]=kss(y,x,n,LI,LS,gr_kss); %%%%%%%%%%%% SCORE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% res = y-x*b_kss; aic_kss = log((nt-1)/nt*var(res))+1+2*(p+1)/nt; bic_kss = log((nt-1)/nt*var(res))+1+(p+1)*log(nt)/nt; AIC = [AIC aic_kss]; BIC = [BIC bic_kss]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INDEFF=[INDEFF mean(KSS)']; if trunc1>0; mmm=[]; for i=1:t [temp2,J]=sort(KSS(i,:)); mmm=[mmm J(ceil([1:trunc1*n n-trunc1*n+1:n]))]; end; I=unique(mmm); KSS(:,I)=[]; [t2,n2]=size(KSS); nt2=t2*n2; else; nt2=nt; n2=n; end; EKSS=[]; for i=1:t EKSS=[EKSS;exp(KSS(i,:)-max(KSS(i,:)))]; end; KSS=reshape(KSS,nt2,1); EKSS=reshape(EKSS,nt2,1); if tmtr==1; b_kss=[0;b_kss]; se_kss=[0;se_kss]; end; COEF=[COEF b_kss]; SE=[SE se_kss]; if trunc1==0&trunc2==0; EFFECTS=[EFFECTS KSS]; EFFICIENCY=[EFFICIENCY EKSS]; end; AVGEFF=[AVGEFF mean(EKSS)]; VKSS=reshape(EKSS,t,n2); VKSS2=mean(VKSS')'; if firmeff==1; save VKSS; end; R2all=[R2all R2k]; metacurve=[metacurve VKSS2]; allcurves=[allcurves VKSS2]; lgd=[lgd; 'KSS ']; lgdtv=[lgdtv; 'KSS ']; disp('KSS done') end; %************************************************ % Battese and Coelli * %************************************************ if EST(8)==1; Label1=[Label1 ' BC ']; Label2=[Label2 ' BC ']; [b_bc,se_bc,TE,BCi,Llk]=bc(y,x_tr,n); %%%%%%%%%%% SCORE: original by Chenjun %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% aic_bc = -2*Llk/nt-log(2*pi)+2*(p+1)/nt; bic_bc = -2*Llk/nt-log(2*pi)+(p+1)*log(nt)/nt; AIC = [AIC aic_bc]; BIC = [BIC bic_bc]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if trunc2>0; mmm=[]; for i=1:t [temp2,J]=sort(BCi(i,:)); mmm=[mmm J(ceil([1:trunc2*n n-trunc2*n+1:n]))]; end; I=unique(mmm); BCi(:,I)=[]; [t2,n2]=size(BCi); nt2=t2*n2; else; nt2=nt; n2=n; end; EBC=reshape(BCi,nt2,1); COEF=[COEF b_bc]; SE=[SE se_bc]; if trunc1==0&trunc2==0; EFFICIENCY=[EFFICIENCY EBC]; end; AVGEFF=[AVGEFF mean(EBC)]; VBC=reshape(EBC,t,n2); VBC2=mean(VBC')'; if firmeff==1; save VBC; end; Llk=[Llk;0]; R2all=[R2all Llk]; metacurve=[metacurve VBC2]; allcurves=[allcurves VBC2]; lgd=[lgd; 'BC ']; lgdtv=[lgdtv; 'BC ']; disp('BC done') end; %************************************************ % Bounded-InEfficiency * %************************************************ if EST(9)==1; Label=[Label ' BIE ']; Label1=[Label1 ' BIE ']; Label2=[Label2 ' BIE ']; %EstName = [EstName; 'BIE ']; [b_bie, se_bie, B_bie, Bse_bie, EF_bie, TE_bie, otherpara,R2k] = bie(y,x_tr,n,bie_dist); %%%%%%%%%%%% SCORE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% res = y-x_tr*b_bie; aic_bie = log((nt-1)/nt*var(res))+1+2*(p+1)/nt; bic_bie = log((nt-1)/nt*var(res))+1+(p+1)*log(nt)/nt; AIC = [AIC aic_bie]; BIC = [BIC bic_bie]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ATE_bie = mean(TE_bie')'; % Average TE % modified Sep 2015 by Song %if tmtr==1; b_bie=[0;b_bie]; se_bie=[0;se_bie]; end; COEF=[COEF b_bie]; SE=[SE se_bie]; if trunc1==0&trunc2==0; EFFECTS=[EFFECTS EF_bie]; EFFICIENCY=[EFFICIENCY reshape(TE_bie',nt,1)]; end AVGEFF=[AVGEFF mean(ATE_bie)]; R2all=[R2all R2k]; %VHT=reshape(EHT,t,n); VHT2=mean(VHT')'; allcurves=[allcurves ATE_bie]; lgd=[lgd; 'BIE ']; disp('BIE done') end; if AVE==0; EFFICIENCY_AVE = mean(allcurves,2); AVGEFF_AVE = mean(AVGEFF); elseif AVE==1; AIC = -0.5*AIC; EAIC = exp(AIC); weight = 1/sum(EAIC)*EAIC; EFFICIENCY_AVE = allcurves*weight'; AVGEFF_AVE = AVGEFF*weight'; else BIC = -0.5*BIC; EBIC = exp(BIC); weight = 1/sum(EBIC)*EBIC; EFFICIENCY_AVE = allcurves*weight'; AVGEFF_AVE = AVGEFF*weight'; end; % lgdave = ['SML';'AIC';'BIC']; % Labelave = ['SML' 'AIC' 'BIC']; % EFFICIENCY_AVE = [EFFICIENCY_SML EFFICIENCY_AIC EFFICIENCY_BIC]; % AVGEFF_AVE = [AVGEFF_SML AVGEFF_AIC AVGEFF_BIC]; %************************************************ % DEA * %************************************************ % x must be level values (positive) % use single y, not multiple outputs if EST(10)==1; Label2=[Label2 ' DEA ']; [DEA]=dea(exp(y),exp(x),n); % DEA uses level values if trunc2>0; mmm=[]; for i=1:t [temp2,J]=sort(DEA(i,:)); mmm=[mmm J(ceil([1:trunc2*n n-trunc2*n+1:n]))]; end; I=unique(mmm); DEA(:,I)=[]; [t2,n2]=size(DEA); nt2=t2*n2; else; nt2=nt; n2=n; end; EDEA=reshape(DEA,nt2,1); if trunc1==0&trunc2==0; EFFICIENCY=[EFFICIENCY EDEA]; end; AVGEFF=[AVGEFF mean(EDEA)]; VDEA=reshape(EDEA,t,n2); VDEA2=mean(VDEA')'; if firmeff==1; save VDEA; end; metacurve=[metacurve VDEA2]; allcurves=[allcurves VDEA2]; lgd=[lgd; 'DEA ']; lgdtv=[lgdtv; 'DEA ']; disp('DEA done') end; %************************************************ % Output * %************************************************ diary on; disp(' ') disp(' **** PANEL DATA ESTIMATION ****') disp(' ') disp(' Parameters Estimates') disp(' ') disp([' ' Label1 ]) disp(COEF) disp(' ') disp(' Standard Errors of Parameters Estimates') disp(' ') disp([' ' Label1]) disp(SE) disp(' ') disp(' R2 and adR2') disp(' ') disp([' ' Label1]) disp(R2all) if EST(8)==1; disp('* For BC, the log likelihood value is provided instead of R-squared.') end; disp(' ') disp(' Average Efficiencies') disp(' ') disp([' ' Label2]) disp(AVGEFF) disp(' ') disp(' Weighted Average Efficiencies') disp(' ') disp(AVGEFF_AVE) if sum(EST)>1&trunc1==0&trunc2==0; disp('Standard Correlation of Effects') disp([' ' Label ]) disp(corrcoef(EFFECTS)) disp('Spearman Rank Correlation of Effects') disp([' ' Label ]) disp(spearman(EFFECTS)) disp('Standard Correlation of Efficiencies') disp([' ' Label2 ]) disp(corrcoef(EFFICIENCY)) disp('Spearman Rank Correlation of Efficiencies') disp([' ' Label2 ]) disp(spearman(EFFICIENCY)) end; if EST(1)==2; disp('Hausman-Wu test p-value') disp(hw) end; if EST(5) ==1; disp('PSS3 estimator for lagged dependent variable ') disp([b_pss3l se_pss3l]) disp(' ') disp('Initial estimator for beta (s.e.) used in PSS3') disp([betai se_beta]) disp('Initial estimator for gamma (s.e.) used in PSS3') disp([gammai se_gamma]) disp(' ') end; xis=(1:1:t)'; %plot(xis,VCSSW); %xlabel('time') %title('Results from CSSW (all firms)') %print -dmfile figCSSW %plot(xis,VCSSG); %xlabel('time') %title('Results from CSSG (all firms)') %print -dmfile figCSSG %plot(xis,VBC); %xlabel('time') %title('Results from BC (all firms)') %print -dmfile figBC %plot(xis,VKSS); %xlabel('time') %title('Results from KSS (all firms)') %print -dmfile figKSS %plot(xis,VDEA); %xlabel('time') %title('Results from DEA (all firms)') %print -dmfile figDEA save metacurve metacurve; ESTVAR=sum(EST(6:9)); if ESTVAR > 0; if ESTVAR==1; avgcurve=metacurve; else; avgcurve=mean(metacurve')'; end; if out_fig(1)==1; plot(xis,avgcurve); xlabel('Time') ylabel('Efficiency') xlim([1 t]) %ylim([0 1]) title('Average of time-variant estimators') end; if out_fig(2)==1; figure; plot(xis,metacurve); xlabel('Time') ylabel('Efficiency') xlim([1 t]) %ylim([0 1]) legend(lgdtv); title('Time-variant estimators') end; if out_fig(3)==1; figure; plot(xis,allcurves); xlabel('Time') xlim([1 t]) %ylim([0 1]) ylabel('Efficiency') legend(lgd); title('Averaged efficiencies from each estimator') end; if out_fig(4)==1; figure; plot(xis,EFFICIENCY_AVE); xlabel('Time') xlim([1 t]) %ylim([0 1]) ylabel('Efficiency') %legend(); title('Weighted average efficiencies') end; % Print Tables if out_tab(1)==1; disp('Average of time-variant estimators') disp([xis avgcurve]); end; if out_tab(2)==1; disp('Efficiencies from the Time-variant estimators') temp1= sum(EST(6:9)); [tp1,tp2]=size(Label2); temp2= Label2(tp2-temp1*10+1:tp2); disp([' ' temp2]) disp([xis metacurve]); end; if out_tab(3)==1; disp('Individual Effects from each estimator') disp([' ' Label]) disp([(1:n)' INDEFF]) end; end; % end of ESTVAR>0 if EST(7)==1; disp('Options for KSS estimator') disp(' L zz pp') disp([ L zz pp] ) end; disp('Notes:') if tmtr == 1; disp('* The first coefficient of FR, HT, PSS123, BC is the one for the time trend.') end; disp('* Correlations among the various estimators are calculated only when both trunc1=0 and trunc2=0.') if firmeff ==1; disp('* To load efficiencies for each firm, simply type in "load V**" (**=the name of the estimator) in the command line.') end; if EST(9)==1|EST(5)==1; disp('* Remember that the DEA and PSS3 estimators do not support the model with multiple outputs.') end; diary off; delete pss1.mat; delete pss2.mat; delete pss3.mat;