% Main Program for Efficiency Estimation % Written by Wonho Song % Updated Oct 2005 % Updated May 2014 % E-mail: whsong@cau.ac.kr, whsong73@hotmail.com % All values are in logarithms % % The INPUTS are: % % Y - a (T*n) x 1 vector of dependent variable % X - a (T*n) x p matrix of independent variables % n - number of cross sections % g_para - Global parameters % pss_para - parameters for PSS estimators % kss_para - parameters for KSS estimators % EST - model selection vector % See below for details % % The OUTPUTS are: % % Parameter estimates % Standard errors % Average technical efficiency % Correlation of effects and efficiencies % Spearman rank order correlation of effects and efficiencies % % clear all; close all; st0=clock; warning off; clc; format short; %************************************************ % Output File * %************************************************ diary alpha.out; % change the output filename % or comment out by placing '%' in front of the line % if you don't want to save the results diary off; %************************************************ % Data Input * %************************************************ % y=real-estate loan % x1=commercial and industrial loan % x2=installment loan % x3=CD, x4=DD, x5=OD, x6=labor, x7=capital, x8=purf load Efficiency.mat; [nt,p] = size(x); % nt=total obs, p=number of regressors t = 12; % number of time periods n = nt/t; % number of banks %************************************************ % Model Selection * %************************************************ % 1=choose, 0=do not choose %***** Basic Panel Data Estimators ***** FR=2; % Fixed and Random Effects Estimators % 1=Fixed, 2=Fixed and Random HT=0; % Hausman-Taylor Estimator %***** Semiparametric Efficient Estimators ***** PSS1=0; % Some regressors are correlated with effects PSS2=0; % AR(1) error PSS3=0; % dynamic panel data model %***** Time-varying Effects Estimators ***** CSS=2; % Cornwell-Schmidt-Sickles Estimator % 1=CSSW (Within), 2=CSSW and CSSG (Within and GLS) KSS=0; % Kneip-Sickles-Song Estimator BC=0; % Battese-Coelli Estimator DEA=0; % Data Envelope Analysis Estimator %************************************************ % Global Parameters * %************************************************ % truncation for outliers % remove top and bottom 5% of efficiencies trunc1 = 0.0; % for the FR,HT,PSS123,CSS,KSS estimators trunc2 = 0.0; % for the BC and DEA estimators tmtr = 0; % include linear time trend to FR, HT, PSS123, BC p1 = p-1; % number of uncorrelated variables in X for HT and PSS1 estimator % uncorrelated variables come first % Figures fig1 = 0; % Average of time-variant estimators fig2 = 0; % Time-variant estimators fig3 = 0; % Estimated efficiencies from each estimator % Tables tab1 = 0; % Average of time-variant estimators tab2 = 0; % Time-variant estimators tab3 = 0; % Individual Effects from each estimator firmeff = 0; % save efficiencies for each firm out_fig = [fig1 fig2 fig3]; out_tab = [tab1 tab2 tab3]; g_para = [trunc1 trunc2 tmtr out_fig out_tab firmeff]; %************************************************ % Parameters for PSS estimators * %************************************************ % see PSS papers for details % Bandwidth selection by bootstrapping NB = 10; % number of bootstrap repetiton gr_st = 0.9; % starting point of grid search gr_in = 0.1; % increment of grid search gr_en = 0.9; % end point of grid search pss_out = 1; % output print option, 1 = print, else = skip print pss_para = [NB gr_st gr_in gr_en pss_out p1]; %************************************************ % Parameters for CSS estimators * %************************************************ zp = 0; % number of time invariant variables % put the time invariant variables at the end of X matrix %************************************************ % Parameters for KSS estimators * %************************************************ % see KSS (2005) for details LI = 7; % minimum dimension choice LS = 7; % maximum dimension choice % bandwidth selection gr_st = 0.9; % starting point of grid search gr_in = 0.1; % increment of grid search gr_en = 0.9; % end point of grid search kss_para = [LI LS gr_st gr_in gr_en]; %************************************************ % Please do not modify the part below * %************************************************ %************************************************ % Estimation * %************************************************ EST= [FR HT PSS1 PSS2 PSS3 CSS KSS BC DEA]; % estimation procedure estm(y,x,n,g_para,pss_para,zp,kss_para,EST); disp(sprintf('* Elapsed Time (minutes): %5.3f',etime(clock,st0)/60))